
About Us

Our Vision

To be a cutting-edge, innovation-driven institution
recognised for its achievements and advancements in
defining new paradigms for learning, research, and academic life.

Our Mission

To advance knowledge and innovation, and nurture competent,
resourceful, responsible human capital for the 21st century.
We do this by providing an academic ecosystem that
brings together the most committed learners and outstanding faculty
regardless of where they are physically located.

We’re highly
committed to

Provide student-centric lifelong learning

Delivers meaningful and relevant educational outcomes, anytime, anywhere.

Leverage on a global model

Advance knowledge and innovation through research and enterprise.

Provide help to students

Especially those who cannot afford, with equitable access to education through students’ grants and scholarships.

“Our highly customised modules integrate closely with the learners’ work environment, thereby improving professional output instead of hindering it as used to be the case with traditional learning methods.”

Dr Chinmoy Sahu, Vice Chancellor

What we do

Delivers flexible learning experiences
to corporate executives and
individuals through masters and
doctorate level programmes.

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Accelerate your
learning journey

APEL (C) recognises a learner’s prior experiential learning that is acquired through informal or non-formal learning, thereby offering an opportunity for accelerated progression within the programme enrolled.

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