Accreditation Of Prior Experiential
Learning For Credit Award
APEL (C) is defined by the Malaysian Qualification Agency as the ‘award of credits for the prior experiential learning towards a subject in an accredited programme’ (GGP APEL-C). Thus, APEL (C) recognises a learner’s prior experiential learning that is acquired through informal or non-formal learning, thereby offering an opportunity for accelerated progression within the program enrolled. The accelerated progression is possible as the learner can potentially avoid duplicating his learning by obtaining credit transfer for subjects, the learning outcomes of which have already been achieved by the learner through prior experiential learning.
Why APEL (C)?
Provide recognition for learning acquired from nonformal and informal sources.
Reduce the duplication of learning, or learning of the same/similar content.
Encourage the participation of adults in higher education by recognising their prior experiential learning in the form of credits awarded.
Potentially reduce the time and cost of completing a study programme.
Terms and condition
APEL (C) Terms and Condition
- APEL (C) is applicable to all learners registered in Manipal GlobalNxt University (MGNU).
- APEL (C) encompasses the assessment of prior experiential learning for the purpose of credit award.
- APEL (C) is open for all areas and levels of qualifications in the Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF). For postgraduate level of study, the credit award is limited only to the courses in programmes conducted via coursework and mixed modes.
- Courses that form part of the programme structure under professional bodies may also be considered for APEL (C), subject to acceptance and approval by relevant professional bodies. Students will be informed about related developments in this area from time to time.
- Assessment for credit award should be carried out separately for each subject, for example, assessment for Marketing Management subject should be made separately from Marketing Strategy subject.
- A processing fee (per subject) is payable at the time of submission of application and is non- refundable.
Assesment flow
APEL (C) Process For Every Subject

Source: Guidelines to Good Practices, APEL (C), MQA, (2016)
Source: Guidelines to Good Practices, APEL (C), MQA, (2016)